Friday, January 26, 2018

Keizer, Oregon

 Can you tell which one of those four cards is the 1983 Topps pictured with the envelope above?  Obviously the context make's it pretty easy to do so, but in humble opion, it looks cooler with the other card backs.  That's right, that 1983 Topps is a "blank back."  Upon review, I'm a little surprised to say that it's my first blank back Wallach (I'll double check, because I feel like I had a couple).  I I definitely have a wrong back '90 Score, and a blank front '89 Topps, but my "error" tag in the side margin doesn't pull up any blank backs.

That '83 blank back was one of 18 cards sent by Bo of Keizer, OR (a new addition to the map).  The other somewhat unique card in the assortment was the 1991 Leaf Preview.  While it's not all that rare, I did go all of 2017 without crossing paths with a new one, so it's nice finally add another.  And for accounting purposes, the '83 blank back gets counted as an '83 Topps, not it's own unique entry.

Here's a look at the rest of the cards sent:

Thanks for the cards Bo.

Updated Totals:

1983 Topps: 251
1986 Topps: 296
1986 Topps All-Star: 599
1987 Topps x2: 820
1989 Donruss x2: 343
1989 Topps: 646
1990 Donruss: 399
1990 Upper Deck: 259
1991 Donruss: 241
1991 Donruss MVP: 216
1991 Leaf Preview: 12
1992 Stadium Club: 42
1992 Topps: 186
1993 Donruss x2: 89
1993 Fleer: 44

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