Monday, February 22, 2021

Sport Mania No. 38 September 1983

I recently picked up this copy of SportMania on eBay.  It's entirely in French, and I don't speak French.  I ran the cover headline through google translate, and according to them, "femmes de baseballeurs" means "Baseball Women."  Sounds legitimate enough to me.  Here's a look at the two page article with Lori Wallach and Jaque Francona:

If anyone speaks French and feels like translating this in the comments, by all means, feel free.  I'm not going to transcribe the whole article, but here's the opening paragraph:

Jaque Francona and   Lori Wallach who, comfortably seated in front of a hot dog and a soft drink (their supper), explain with a laugh that being the wife of a baseball player does not mean not just go to the stadium and eat popcorn during the game

I imagine the rest of the article goes on like this with nothing too wild or controversial, but I won't be taking the time to find out.   I'm not sure where this magazine fits into my Wallach collection, but it's certainly a unique peice.  That said, there's been a few oddball items over the years that I've throw this offer out on, and am doing so again with this magazine, if a Wallach family member happens to be reading and wants this issue for their own collection, feel free to email me and I'll send it your way.

The rest of the magazine has some articles on topics ranging from tennis to aerobics.  There's a couple of nice posters, including the one below, and a centerfold of a trio of Montreal Canadian Hockey players that is too large to scan.


  1. What an awesome magazine! Love old Expos stuff.

  2. Pretty cool. Tim and Lori are still together, yeah?

  3. "Femmes de baseballeurs" would actually translate to "Wives of baseball players" in this context.

    I'm not going to translate the whole text, but some highlights:
    - Lori obtained her pilot's license
    - Jacquie refused to be "just the wife of a baseball player" and had her nursing diploma
    - 1983: Expos started permitting spouses on the charters
    - Lori once gave Tim some batting advice at the start of the season and he joked that she should become batting coach
    - Lori finishes the interview by saying that she doesn't want to believe the stories of temptations while on road trips since they players love their wives so much
    - Lori wished that Tim had ended up with the Blue Jays because although she loved being in Canada, she didn't speak a word of french.

    I made that last one up. Just seeing if anyone made it this far :)
