This isn't the first time I've received cards in one of these Post Office "oops" packages. I was a little bit nervous to open the cards but thankfully, they all arrived completely unharmed. I for one, am a huge fan of our Postal Service. The fact that I can put a 55¢ stamp on an envelope and have it delivered to the door of a friend or relative on the other side of the country in under a week is nothing short of a modern miracle. (And here I thought socialized institutions were always abject disasters that would lead to bread lines and having to give away my golf clubs,...besides fire departments, libraries, parks, schools, etc, etc)
Here the 10 cards that were in fact safely delivered by our comrades at the post office. The card of Wallach in the Dodger home whites is a 1996 Donruss. I mention that because I had to flip the card over to be sure. From it's inception in 1981 to about 1993, I can spot and identify a Donruss card and what year it was printed, from across a room. Then they just went to full mid-90's over slicked, over chromed, over styliezed, junk, and I'm reduced to flipping them over to identify the year. I'm not sure if I would have continued collecting cards through high school if it had stayed just Topps/Fleer/Donruss (and maybe Score and Sportflics), but the explosion of a 100 different sets certainly didn't help keep my interest. It just left me confused and alienated.
That said, I'm always happy to add more 1996 Donruss (or '94 or '95, or any of the 50 other sets that have Wallach cards from the era that all look pretty much the same) to the my collection. And in all fairness, the back of the 1996 Donruss is actually a very nice looking and well designed card back. These were sent by "Big Shep," who has become a pretty regular contributor. Thanks for the cards.
Updated Totals:
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