I picked up these 190 cards from a Sportlots seller. I was actually on the site looking to fill in some gaps in my 1975 Topps set, but as is always the case, I couldn't make a purchase without also relieving the seller of his Wallach cards.
The packaging was a but unique. Rather than use the standard white boxes to ship the cards, the seller wrapped them tightly in newspaper and book ended them with unopened packs of 1991 Donruss. Is that really what it's come too? Unopened packs of 1991 Donruss are more expendable than empty storage boxes? I'm not complaining, the cards arrived safely, and I love vintage wax, but it certainly makes me raise an eyebrow.
With purchases I don't list all the updated totals, but do want to point out the following milestones:
*1983 Topps reaches 200+ cards
*1986 Topps reaches 400+ cards
*1988 Topps All-Star reaches 400+ cards
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