Saturday, April 16, 2011

1991 Studio #14

Card Review: 5.5  This set is one the more mocked sets of all time.  I don't share the disdain many have for it, but a lot of the cards are certainly a bit cringe worthy.  Fortunately for Tim Wallach, he had the good sense to look annoyed at the shoot.  Some players were not so lucky, going for regrettable Sears Portrait Studio type poses and faces.  There are however a few really cool cards mixed in.  I think a lot of the disdain for this set comes from the subsequent Studio sets.  This inaugural '91 edition was the high water mark for Studio.

Fun Facts: *Amazingly (or not given the number of sets being spit out in mass by 1991) this was not Wallach's only black and white photo on a card in '91.  He was featured in Score's "The Franchise" subset, which was also black and white.
*Tim Wallach led all National League 3rd Basemen in fielding percentage in 1991.

Number of this card in my collection: 14
2012 update: 21
2013 update: 32
2014 update: 43
2015 update: 59 
2016 update: 64
2017 update: n/a
2018 update: 77
2019 update: 82
2020 update: 94
2021 update: 96
2022 update: 104
2023 update: 109
2024 update: 111

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