Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Collection Audit 1989

I had to pause this process for awhile, but had time to hammer out another year this morning.  The issue with doing this, is it takes up a lot of space and creates a good amount of clutter.  So it's not just a matter of counting the cards and running numbers.  Pulling the boxes and then laying out the cards, then putting them away eats up a lot of minutes.  I'm also the proud owner of a new dog.  A Siberian Husky.  She's 7 months old and has an amazing ability to destroy any and everything that isn't closed in a drawer, closet, or about 8 feet off the ground.  So leaving these cards out overnight or during the day is out of the question.  Otherwise, she's a great dog.  Here are some numbers:

1989 Alaska Goldpanners - Listed: 5   Actual: 5  Difference: 0

1989 Bowman - Listed: 152   Actual: 157  Difference: +5

1989 Bowman Tiffany - Listed: 6   Actual: 9  Difference: +3

1989 Donruss - Listed: 394   Actual: 406  Difference: +12

1989 Donruss Baseball's Best - Listed: 19   Actual: 20  Difference: +1

1989 Donruss Baseball's Best Blue Test Proof- Listed: 1   Actual: 1  Difference: 0

1989 Fleer - Listed: 401   Actual: 391  Difference: -10

1989 Fleer Glossy - Listed: 4   Actual: 4  Difference: 0

1989 K-Mart - Listed: 58   Actual: 58  Difference: 0

1989 O-Pee-Chee - Listed: 10   Actual: 10  Difference: 0

1989 Panini - Listed: 1   Actual: 1  Difference: 0

1989 Red Foley Stickers - Listed: 3   Actual: 3  Difference: 0

1989 Score - Listed: 183   Actual: 183  Difference: 0

1989 Sportflics - Listed: 11   Actual: 12  Difference: +1

1989 St. Vincent Stamps - Listed: 2   Actual: 2  Difference: 0

Probably the biggest surprise here was the revelation of three more Bowman Tiffany.  I have no idea where they came from or when I picked them up.  It's a fairly scarce card.  One more wouldn't have been much of a surprise, but to have 50% more than I thought I did is a bit of a head scratcher.  Somewhere along the way I credited myself with ten additional '89 Fleer.  Probably a math error at some point while adding a bunch at once.

1989 Topps - Listed: 750   Actual: 758  Difference: +8

1989 Topps Baseball Talk - Listed: 1   Actual: 1  Difference: 0

1989 Topps Big - Listed: 15   Actual: 16  Difference: +1

1989 Topps Stickers - Listed: 5   Actual: 5  Difference: 0

1989 Topps Tiffany - Listed: 8   Actual: 9  Difference: +1

1989 Upper Deck - Listed: 197   Actual: 199  Difference: +2

No real surprises here.  The total change for 1989 was 24 additional cards to add to the total.  That brings the total audit total up to +411, a number far larger than I expected to find, and there's still a good number of years to go through.

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