Saturday, January 18, 2014

Cards in the Mail

These cards came unannounced from Bert, of "Swing and a Pop-Up."  One of the things I most enjoy out of receiving free cards in the mail (and there's a lot to enjoy about free cards in the mail), is seeing the random groupings of cards people send.  I think they say a lot about a person's collecting habits.  I can usually tell what years a person collected, the volume of their collection, the brands they preferred, what type of collector they were (player/set/insert/team/etc), how serious they are about condition and sorting, whether or not they still collect, I can usually deduce a lot.

Bert is a bit of an enigma (after checking out his blog I have a better idea), but I was sort of at a loss given the cards he sent.  The years were sort of scatter shot, the condition was impeccable, and there were a lot of duplicates of some and only single copies of others.  My quasi FBI-profiling skills were at a loss.  After checking his blog, Bert is a set collector that appears to be into high volume purchases of junk era cards, which explains the random years and duplicates.

This whole blogging about my collection thing has really been more enjoyable than I ever imagined, and in really unpredictable ways.  Thank you Bert for the cards.  I will try to hunt down some cards from your want list and send them your way.

Updated Totals for these cards:

1984 Topps x2: 156
1988 Score x2: 174
1989 Score: 102
1990 Upper Deck: 123
1991 Score x9: 89
1991 Score Franchise x3: 69
1993 Score Select x2: 18
1993 Topps x5: 70

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