Thursday, May 21, 2015

Surprise, Arizona

These cards were sent by Dan from Surprise, Arizona.  Thank you for the cards Dan.  These cards are the first ones sent from Surprise and only the second from the State of Arizona.  Surprise is now represented on the map.

Speaking of "the map," Google recently made some "improvements" and my map has been all messed up ever since.  It used to be that when you clicked on the mailbox (in the right hand column of this page), it took you to the map of where cards have been sent from and it looked something like this:

However since Google implemented their "improvements," every time you click on a link to it, it appears like this:

You're forgiven if you can't tell, but that's an extreme close up of Nebraska.  I've tried setting the default view to no avail.  It keeps reverting back this shot of Nebraska.  If there any baseball card collector's out there who read this blog and also double has computer ne..,er, experts, I'd love some advice on fixing this problem.

In mean time, here are the updated totals for the cards Dan sent:

1988 Topps Super Star: 11
1991 Topps: 133
1992 Upper Deck: 167
1993 Topps: 98
1994 Ultra: 30


  1. When I clicked on it, I didn't get the extreme closeup, I got the whole US

  2. I had the same experience as Jeff.

  3. Sounds like it's my computer and not the map. That's good to know.

  4. Map worked fine for me too. I'm kind of surprised by the low number on the '88 Topps Super Star, considering that is basically an overproduction era card. I collected those stickers when I was a kid and had hundreds of those cards, but didn't have a complete set because I was missing the Wallach. I finally got one a couple of years ago and haven't seen another since. I wonder if it's just a coincidence or if it was short-printed?
