Wednesday, June 29, 2011

1990 Leaf #80

Card Review: 8.0  I was never wild about this set.  I found it bland, ordinary and of little interest to me.

I was also unaware of the perceived scarcity and corresponding frenzy over it.  Leaf/Donruss used to have a tie in with the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown (maybe they still do).  One of my friends as a kid, had a father who was curator at the Hall of Fame.  As a result, he got a lot of free cards.  He wasn't much of a card collector and would let me and other kid help ourselves to copious amounts of cards that his father brought home.  Having access to so much of it, made it seem unimportant, and no one else our age was collecting it or talking about it.  It just seemed like a throwaway off brand.  I wasn't very savy at the time and remember going for Diamond Kings and All-Star cards from the Donruss base set over this Leaf set.  And since I wasn't wild about this set, I just took the Wallach's from my friends boxes full of Leaf.  My other friend was much more aware of hobby trends and took all the major pulls, something I became very envious of a few summers later when the cards from this set were selling for obscene amounts.

Fun Facts: *This was the first unique Leaf set.  Previous Leaf sets were identical to Donruss, but for the Leaf logo and french writing.
Number of this card in my collection: 5
2012 update: 8
2013 update: 24
2014 update: 68
2015 update: 77 
2016 update: 83
2017 update: 85
2018 update: 96
2019 update: 125
2020 update: 126
2021 update: 139
2022 update: 144
2023 update: 149
2024 update: 151

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